Men, Women, and Worthiness - Dr. Brené Brown
In this brand-new two-disc CD series, Dr. Brené Brown applies the knowledge gained from 12 years of research to practical information about men, women, and their relationships, and how our basic, irreducible needs for love and belonging relate to our ability to allow ourselves to be open and let our true selves be seen. Dr. Brown's carefully developed Shame Resilience Theory, based on interviews of thousands of men and women, underpins the basic understanding of how authenticity, courage, vulnerability, shame, and numbing behaviors interact in metaphoric "webs" and "boxes" to form how we interact.
In an engagingly warm and personal presentation, Dr. Brown shares her message through a mixture of personal anecdotes, stories from her research, and careful analysis of data gleaned from her research to bring us useful and practical knowledge about how we can live fuller, richer lives, and an understanding of ways in which we can connect more deeply and openly to those who share our lives.
synopsis Dr. brené brown explores the life- defining issue of shame—how men and women experience it differently, and how we can cultivate a sense of worthiness in who we truly are.
September Releases
Men, Women, and Worthiness
The Experience of Shame and the Power of Being Enough
Brené Brown, PhD, LMSW
What does it mean to engage with the world from a place of worthiness? How do we make the long walk from “What will people think” to “I am enough!” Dr. Brené Brown has spent more than 10 years researching these questions, and her discoveries always lead back to one critical finding: Shame resilience. “If we want to cultivate more courage, joy, and love in our lives, we have to understand how and why shame keeps us afraid and small.” On Men, Women, and Worthiness, Dr. Brown shows how liberating it is when we stop pursuing unattainable ideals of perfection—and start embracing who we truly are. In this rich exploration of the themes she introduces in her popular TED talks, Dr. Brown explores:
• The differences and similarities between the experience of shame for men and women
• Guilt vs. shame—why one is a useful force for growth, while the other holds us back
• The four elements of shame resilience—identifying triggers, critical awareness, reaching out, and speaking honestly
We often try to deal with shame by numbing ourselves to it—but in doing so, we deaden our experience of the joys of life as well. With the trademark warmth, candor, and humor that has made her such a celebrated speaker, Brené Brown offers us an alternative to running away from the “unworthy” parts of ourselves. Here is a bold invitation to let go of your beliefs of who you should be—so you can recognize the full potential of the person you are.
brené brown, PhD, LmsW is a research professor
at the University of Houston Graduate College
of Social Work. She is the author of The Gifts of Imperfection (Hazelden, 2010) and the forthcoming Daring Greatly (Gotham, 2012). Dr. Brown is a nationally renowned speaker whose work has been featured on PBS, NPR, CNN, and on She lives in Texas. For more, visit
spoken-Word audio aW02706D 2 CDs 2 hours
5" x 53⁄4" us $19.95 self-Help isbN-10: 1-60407-851-0 isbN-13: 978-1-60407-851-0 uPC: 600835-270625 rights: World (audio only)
Digital Download aW02706W / uPC: 600835-270670 / us $13.97
“Brown courageously tackles the dark emotions that get in the way of leading a fuller life.”
—DaNieL H. PiNK
Author of A Whole New Mind
“Courage, compassion and connection: Through Brené’s research, observations, and guidance, these three little words can open
the door to amazing change in your life.”
—aLi eDWarDs
Author of Life Artist